Simon Manoha

From philosophy to ceramics, passing through improvised music and photography: the journey of a self-taught individual in love with nature !
Simon Manoha Bonhomme, 2022 Ceramics Now - Florian Daguet-Bresson - Ceramique contemporaine
Bonsome 5 - Simon Manoha 2022
Kopfschmerzen - Simon Manoha Ceramics Now
Simon Manoha
Simon Manoha
Simon Manoha
Simon Manoha - Tête 14 - Florian Daguet-Bresson Art
Simon Manoha - Artiste - contemporain- céramique - Daguet-Bresson Art
Simon Manoha - Artiste - contemporain- céramique - Daguet-Bresson Art
Simon Manoha - Tête 14 - Florian Daguet-Bresson Art


You can reach us from Wednesday to Saturday from 1pm to 7pm at
16 Rue de l'Arcade, 75008 Paris
Parking available on request
Do you have a message or a request for us? Write to us at
ou appelez-nous au (+33) 1 89 32 12 64


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La galerie ferme ses portes du 6 juillet au 6 septembre 2024 inclus.