Ligne - 22-02 •

Porcelaine émaillée, pièce unique.

To break, not to destroy, but to reveal all the tensions of a sculpture, to find its lines. This is the goal pursued by Anne Verdier, who is also a teacher in cellular biology. Celadon, stoneware, porcelain, tiles, or bricks, she accumulates materials and blends them. Firing in the kiln is just a step to glorify the clay. Then, everything begins where things usually end. The tool takes on importance: by breaking, the hammer invents. Striking, shattering, reassembling, scratching, expecting nothing but delighting in what emerges. A creative chaos that results in a mysteriously harmonious work.

Between spontaneous gestures and uncontrolled reactions, a directed chaos results in abstract and sophisticated works. Composite enamels, celadon, stoneware, porcelain, tiles or bricks, the artist combines and amalgamates materials. Favouring experimentation and the search for unique textures, she reveals tensions, lines and material conflicts that emerge or are revealed after transformation by the flames. The kiln is just one stage in the process of magnifying the clay. Then everything begins where it usually ends. The tool takes on its importance: by breaking, the hammer invents. Striking, breaking, subtracting, gluing, scratching, expecting nothing but enthusiasm for what happens.


You can reach us from Wednesday to Saturday from 1pm to 7pm at
16 Rue de l'Arcade, 75008 Paris
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Ligne – 22-02

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Anne Verdier - Ligne 2, 2022. Céramique Contemporaine


La galerie ferme ses portes du 6 juillet au 6 septembre 2024 inclus.